
Year in Review

I have a whole list of resolutions for the year, but first -- an update!

2013 Resolutions:

1. Be a better dog mom.
Nope.  I've been slightly better about taking him to the dog park.  But only in the month of December.  And now I've left him for three weeks while the family vacations.  I did buy him four cans of spray cheese and instructed the dogsitter to use them liberally.
2. Plant an herb garden.
Not even close.
3.  Lose 5 lbs. (and maintain it).
4. Knit everyone Christmas stockings by next year.  And knit more in general.  And while I'm at it, be more crafty in general.
Omg, this is depressing.
5.  Take Henry to more fun local places.
WIN!  Henry is one of the most adventurous toddlers I know.  We take him to basically every festival around.  We've gone to every playground in the city.  Indoor and out.
6.  Defend my comprehensive paper, propose my dissertation, write a grant for my project.  
Thanks to Tulane's shitty IRB, I didn't get approved soon enough to propose and write that grant.  But I DID propose by Nov. 1, which is pretty impressive.
7.  Ride my bike more.
Not really.  Though I did recently ride it to the NOLA H&M grand opening.  (Two words: Isabel. Marant).
8.  Look decent when I leave the house.  All the time.  Or at least most of the time.
I was actually a lot better about this.  For school and other outings, anyway.  I'm still awful about looking decent for walks.  And seeing as I take them almost daily, this is a problem.
9.  Get more sleep.
10.  Take trips not related to weddings.
Hawaii was amazing.  Philippines is still in progress ;)
11.  Read a book unrelated to school or babies/toddlers.  Just one. Magazines do not count.
Read bookoo books.  Well, not that many.  But way more than one!
12.  Show more pictures of our families to Henry
13. Stop seeking fairness.
Totes did this.

Almost 50%.  Better than last year!

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